Image-based Elements

Elements can be made from image files, including PNG and SVG images, using schemdraw.elements.ElementImage. A common use case is to subclass ElementImage and provide the image file and anchor positions in the subclass’s init method. For example, an Arduino Board element may be created from an image:

class ArduinoUno(elm.ElementImage):
    ''' Arduino Element '''
    def __init__(self):
        # Dimensions based on image size to make it about the right
        # size relative to other components
        width = 10.3
        height = width/1.397
        pinspacing = .35   # Spacing between header pins

        super().__init__('ArduinoUNO.png', width=width, height=height, xy=(-.75, 0))

        # Only defining the top header pins as anchors for now
        top = height * .956
        arefx = 3.4
        for i, pinname in enumerate(['aref', 'gnd', 'pin13', 'pin12', 'pin11',
                                    'pin10', 'pin9', 'pin8']):
            self.anchors[pinname] = (arefx + i*pinspacing, top)

The Arduino element is used like any other element:

with schemdraw.Drawing() as d:
    d.config(color='#dd2222', unit=2)
    arduino = ArduinoUno()

Arduino Image Source , CC-BY-SA-3.0.

See Pictorial Elements for using Image Elements with other graphical schematic components.