Logic Gates

Logic gate definitions

class schemdraw.logic.logic.And(*args, **kwargs)

AND gate

  • inputs – Number of inputs to gate.

  • nand – Draw invert bubble on output

  • inputnots – Input numbers (starting at 1) of inputs that have invert bubble

  • leadin – Length of input leads [default: 0.35]

  • leadout – Length of output lead [default: 0.35]


out in[X] - for each input

class schemdraw.logic.logic.Buf(*args, **kwargs)



in out

class schemdraw.logic.logic.Not(*args, **kwargs)

Not gate/inverter


in out

class schemdraw.logic.logic.NotNot(*args, **kwargs)

Double inverter


in out

class schemdraw.logic.logic.Or(*args, **kwargs)

OR or XOR gate element.

  • inputs – Number of inputs to gate.

  • nor – Draw invert bubble on output

  • xor – Draw as exclusive-or gate

  • inputnots – Input numbers (starting at 1) of inputs that have invert bubble

  • leadin – Length of input leads [default: 0.35]

  • leadout – Length of output lead [default: 0.35]


out in[X] - for each input

class schemdraw.logic.logic.Schmitt(*args, **kwargs)

Schmitt Trigger


in out

class schemdraw.logic.logic.SchmittAnd(*args, **kwargs)

Schmitt Trigger AND


in1 in2 out

class schemdraw.logic.logic.SchmittNot(*args, **kwargs)

Inverted Schmitt Trigger


in out

class schemdraw.logic.logic.Tgate(*args, **kwargs)

Transmission gate.


in out c cbar

class schemdraw.logic.logic.Tristate(*args, **kwargs)

Tristate inverter :param outputnot: Draw invert bubble on output :param controlnot: Active-low control


in out c

logic_parser.logicparse(gateW: float = 2, gateH: float = 0.75, outlabel: str | None = None) Drawing

Parse a logic string expression and draw the gates in a schemdraw Drawing

Logic expression is defined by string using ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘not’, etc. for example, “a or (b and c)”. Parser recognizes several symbols and names for logic functions: [and, ‘&’, ‘∧’] [or, ‘|’, ‘∨’, ‘+’] [xor, ‘⊕’, ‘⊻’] [not, ‘~’, ‘¬’]

  • expr – Logic expression

  • gateH – Height of one gate

  • gateW – Width of one gate

  • outlabel – Label for logic output


schemdraw.Drawing with logic tree

class schemdraw.logic.table.Table(*args, **kwargs)

Table Element for drawing rudimentary Markdown formatted tables, such as logic truth tables.

  • table – Table definition, as markdown string. Columns separated by |. Separator rows contain — or === between column separators.

  • colfmt – Justification and vertical separators to draw for each column, similar to LaTeX tabular environment parameter. Justification characters include ‘c’, ‘r’, and ‘l’ for center, left, and right justification. Separator characters may be ‘|’ for a single vertical bar, or ‘||’ or ‘ǁ’ for a double vertical bar, or omitted for no bar. Example: ‘cc|c’.

  • fontsize – Point size of table font

  • font – Name of table font

Example Table:

| A | B | Y | |—|—|—| | 0 | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 1 | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | 0 |

class schemdraw.logic.kmap.Kmap(*args, **kwargs)

Karnaugh Map

Draws a K-Map with 2, 3, or 4 variables.

  • names – 2, 3, or 4-character string defining names of the inputs

  • truthtable – list defining values to display in each box of the K-Map. First element is string of 2, 3, or 4 logic 0’s and 1’s, and last element is the string to display for that input. Example: (‘0000’, ‘1’) displays a ‘1’ when all inputs are 0.

  • groups – dictionary of style parameters for circling groups of inputs. Dictionary key must be same length as names, and defines which elements are circled using ‘0’, ‘1’, or ‘.’ in each position. For example, ‘1…’ circles every box where A=1, and ‘.11.’ circles every box where both B and C are 1. Value of dictionary pair is another dictionary containing style of box (e.g. color, fill, lw, and ls).

  • default – string to display in boxes that don’t have a truthtable entry defined

  • cellXXXX - Center of each cell in the grid, where X is 0 or 1

class schemdraw.logic.timing.TimingDiagram(*args, **kwargs)

Logic Timing Diagram

Draw timing diagrams compatible with WaveJSON format See https://wavedrom.com/ for details. Use from_json to use WaveJSON strings copied from the site (since they can’t be copied as proper Python dicts due to lack of quoting).

Schemdraw provides a few additional extensions to the WaveJSON dictionary, including asynchronous waveforms and configuration options (color, lw) on each wave. See documentation for full specification.


wave – WaveJSON as a Python dict

Keyword Arguments:
  • yheight – Height of one waveform

  • ygap – Separation between two waveforms

  • risetime – Rise/fall time for wave transitions

  • fontsize – Size of label fonts

  • nodesize – Size of node labels

  • namecolor – Color for wave names

  • datacolor – Color for wave data text

  • nodecolor – Color for node text

  • gridcolor – Color of background grid