.. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: %config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg' import schemdraw from schemdraw import elements as elm .. _styles: Styling ------- Style options, such as color, line thickness, and fonts, may be set at the global level (all Schemdraw Drawings), at the Drawing level, or on individual Elements. Individual Elements ******************* Element styling methods include `color`, `fill`, `linewidth`, and `linestyle`. If a style method is not called when creating an Element, its value is obtained from from the drawing or global defaults. Color and fill parameters accept any named `SVG color `_ or a hex color string such as '#6A5ACD'. Linestyle parameters may be '-', '--', ':', or '-.'. .. jupyter-execute:: # All elements are blue with lightgray fill unless specified otherwise with schemdraw.Drawing(color='blue', fill='lightgray'): elm.Diode() elm.Diode().fill('red') # Fill overrides drawing color here elm.Resistor().fill('purple') # Fill has no effect on non-closed elements elm.RBox().linestyle('--').color('orange') elm.Resistor().linewidth(5) The `label` method also accepts color, font, and fontsize parameters, allowing labels with different style as their elements. Drawing style ************* Styles may be applied to an entire drawing using the :py:meth:`schemdraw.Drawing.config` method. These parameters include color, linewidth, font, fontsize, linestyle, fill, and background color. Additionally, the `config` method allows specification of the default 2-Terminal element length. Global style ************ Styles may be applied to every new drawing created by Schemdraw (during the Python session) using :py:meth:`schemdraw.config`, using the same arguments as the Drawing config method. .. jupyter-execute:: :emphasize-lines: 1 schemdraw.config(lw=1, font='serif') with schemdraw.Drawing(): elm.Resistor().label('100KΩ') elm.Capacitor().down().label('0.1μF', loc='bottom') elm.Line().left() elm.Ground() elm.SourceV().up().label('10V') .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: schemdraw.config() Global Element Configuration **************************** Each Element has a `defaults` dictionary attribute containing default parameters for drawing the element. For example, to fill all Diode elements: .. jupyter-execute:: :emphasize-lines: 3 elm.Diode.defaults['fill'] = True with schemdraw.Drawing(): elm.Diode() elm.Diode() elm.DiodeTunnel() Notice that the defaults apply to Diode and all elements subclassed from Diode, such as DiodeTunnel. In general, the docstring of each Element lists arguments with their default values, these arguments may be specified in the `defaults` dictionary. Styling Hierarchy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Element styles are applied in order of preference: 1) Setter methods like `.fill()` or `.color()` called after the Element is instantiated 2) Keyword arguments provided to Element instantiation 3) Defaults set by user in Element.defaults (inheriting from parent classes) 4) Parameters overridden by the Element definition 5) Parameters set in Drawing.config 6) Parameters set by Schemdraw.config U.S. versus European Style ************************** The :py:meth:`schemdraw.elements.Element.style` method will to reconfigure elements in IEEE/U.S. style or IEC/European style. The `schemdraw.elements.STYLE_IEC` and `schemdraw.elements.STYLE_IEEE` are dictionaries for use in the `style` method to change configuration of various elements that use different standard symbols (resistor, variable resistor, photo resistor, etc.) To configure IEC/European style, use the `style` method with the `elm.STYLE_IEC` dictionary. .. jupyter-execute:: :emphasize-lines: 1 elm.style(elm.STYLE_IEC) elm.Resistor() .. jupyter-execute:: :emphasize-lines: 1 elm.style(elm.STYLE_IEEE) elm.Resistor() To see all the elements that change between IEEE and IEC, see :ref:`styledelements`. Fonts ***** The font for label text may be set using the `font` parameter, either in the :py:meth:`schemdraw.elements.Element.label` method for a single label, or in :py:meth:`schemdraw.Drawing.config` to set the font for the entire drawing. The font parameter may be a string containing the name of a font installed in the system fonts path, a path to a TTF font file, or the name of a font family such as "serif" or "sans". These font options apply whether working in the Matplotlib or SVG backends. .. code-block:: python with schemdraw.Drawing(): # Default font elm.RBox().label('R1\n500K') # Named font in system fonts path elm.RBox().label('R1\n500K', font='Comic Sans MS') # Path to a TTF file elm.RBox().label('R1\n500K', font='Peralta-Regular.ttf') # Font family elm.RBox().label('R1\n500K', font='serif') .. image:: fonts.svg :alt: Font examples For typesetting math expressions, the `mathfont` parameter is used. In the Matplotlib backend, a limited `selection of math fonts `_ are available. With the SVG backend in the `path` text mode, the mathfont parameter may be the path to any TTF file that contains a MATH table (requires `Ziamath `_). .. code-block:: python with schemdraw.Drawing(canvas='svg'): # Default math font elm.RBox().label(r'$\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$').at((0, -2)) # Path to a TTF file with MATH font table (SVG backend only) elm.RBox().label(r'$\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$', mathfont='Asana-Math.ttf') .. image:: mathfonts.svg :alt: Math font examples Themes ****** Schemdraw also supports themeing, to enable dark mode, for example. The defined themes match those in the `Jupyter Themes `_ package: * default (black on white) * dark (white on black) * solarizedd * solarizedl * onedork * oceans16 * monokai * gruvboxl * gruvboxd * grade3 * chesterish They are enabled using :py:meth:`schemdraw.theme`: .. jupyter-execute:: :emphasize-lines: 1 schemdraw.theme('monokai') with schemdraw.Drawing(): elm.Resistor().label('100KΩ') elm.Capacitor().down().label('0.1μF', loc='bottom') elm.Line().left() elm.Ground() elm.SourceV().up().label('10V') .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: schemdraw.theme('default')