.. _gallerytiming: Timing Diagrams --------------- .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: import schemdraw from schemdraw import elements as elm from schemdraw import logic Timing diagrams, based on `WaveDrom `_, are drawn using the :py:class:`schemdraw.logic.timing.TimingDiagram` class. .. code-block:: python from schemdraw import logic SRAM read/write cycle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The SRAM examples make use of Schemdraw's extended 'edge' notation for labeling timings just above and below the wave. .. jupyter-execute:: :code-below: logic.TimingDiagram( {'signal': [ {'name': 'Address', 'wave': 'x4......x.', 'data': ['Valid address']}, {'name': 'Chip Select', 'wave': '1.0.....1.'}, {'name': 'Out Enable', 'wave': '1.0.....1.'}, {'name': 'Data Out', 'wave': 'z...x6...z', 'data': ['Valid data']}, ], 'edge': ['[0^:1.2]+[0^:8] $t_{WC}$', '[0v:1]+[0v:5] $t_{AQ}$', '[1:2]+[1:5] $t_{EQ}$', '[2:2]+[2:5] $t_{GQ}$', '[0^:5]-[3v:5]{lightgray,:}', ] }, ygap=.5, grid=False) .. jupyter-execute:: :code-below: logic.TimingDiagram( {'signal': [ {'name': 'Address', 'wave': 'x4......x.', 'data': ['Valid address']}, {'name': 'Chip Select', 'wave': '1.0......1'}, {'name': 'Write Enable', 'wave': '1..0...1..'}, {'name': 'Data In', 'wave': 'x...5....x', 'data': ['Valid data']}, ], 'edge': ['[0^:1]+[0^:8] $t_{WC}$', '[2:1]+[2:3] $t_{SA}$', '[3^:4]+[3^:7] $t_{WD}$', '[3^:7]+[3^:9] $t_{HD}$', '[0^:1]-[2:1]{lightgray,:}'], }, ygap=.4, grid=False) J-K Flip Flop ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Timing diagram for a J-K flip flop taken from `here `_. Notice the use of the `async` dictionary parameter on the J and K signals, and the color parameters for the output signals. .. jupyter-execute:: :code-below: logic.TimingDiagram( {'signal': [ {'name': 'clk', 'wave': 'P......'}, {'name': 'J', 'wave': '0101', 'async': [0, .8, 1.3, 3.7, 7]}, {'name': 'K', 'wave': '010101', 'async': [0, 1.2, 2.3, 2.8, 3.2, 3.7, 7]}, {'name': 'Q', 'wave': '010.101', 'color': 'red', 'lw': 1.5}, {'name': r'$\overline{Q}$', 'wave': '101.010', 'color': 'blue', 'lw': 1.5}], 'config': {'hscale': 1.5}}, risetime=.05) Tutorial Examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These examples were copied from `WaveDrom Tutorial `_. They use the `from_json` class method so the examples can be pasted directly as a string. Otherwise, the setup must be converted to a proper Python dictionary. .. jupyter-execute:: :code-below: logic.TimingDiagram.from_json('''{ signal: [{ name: "Alfa", wave: "01.zx=ud.23.456789" }] }''') .. jupyter-execute:: :code-below: logic.TimingDiagram.from_json('''{ signal: [ { name: "clk", wave: "p.....|..." }, { name: "Data", wave: "x.345x|=.x", data: ["head", "body", "tail", "data"] }, { name: "Request", wave: "0.1..0|1.0" }, {}, { name: "Acknowledge", wave: "1.....|01." } ]}''')